I dedicate this website to all bodybuilers. Not just the people you see in those fittness ads or magizens, not the Mr. O's or the pretty little models who wouldnt think of using threre muscles for anything but show. Nope. this website is for all the hard working little people.The peolpe with the normal hetic and crazy life. The people who work hard at what ever they do. People that find time to work out for more than just a half a hour a day.the people who do it not so they can take modling classes or so they can win the Mr O. They do it so they can be healthy and strong so they wont be over weight so they feel good and are happy with them selfs.This who i dedicate my site to .So god bless all the small peolpe who no one knows becouse they are they are the true american heros
I am a deticaded bodybuilder who was just cruising the web one dat when i realized that it is prety hard to find a decent bodybuilder site so i decided to build my one.I will feture picture of famus bodybuilders inspiring articals up dated from time to time links to good body building and weightlifting sites and much more.I am new to this so just give me chance. I hope you enjoy my site and if you would like to share info or even write a artical for my site just e-mail it to me and it will be on the site as soon as i get it.
have a good day.
p.s please tell your frends about this site
p.s.s my e-mail adress is Real_men_lift@yahoo.com (please write to talk to share info or what ever;)